Sat 04 Jan
$$100$$ SPECIAL-Looking To Have Sum Fun & Relieve Sum Stress At The Same Time ?? I'm A CALL Away - 28
💕💋🎀 Our Little Secret💋💋 Exotic Barbie Doll💋💋 Tight and Ready🎀💋💕 - 20
(North SD County, Oceanside , Vista, Escondido, 78 FWY)
***Beautiful Athletic Classy* Why Take Chances? Legit/Highly Reviewed******** - 38
(Denver, N.Denver/Broomfield)
Try Sumthing New ... Petite Sexy Mia ... Specials below.... Up Early Come Play .... 24/7 Incall - 21
(Las Vegas, Sahara & Rancho Incall)
♥B E A U T I F U L L ● CALi ● E X O T I C ● M I X ● Available N O W in CHERRY CREEK !! ♥ - 21
(Denver Central, CHERRY CREEK)
****** Asian NEW Girl ####### Outcall Only 303-325-7597 *~*~*~* Hot Gorgeous Body Fiona *~*~*~*` - 23
(City of Denver, Denver, Outcall Only)
@&@& HOT AND SEXY ASIAN DELIGHT @&@&@ Georgous Playmate @&@ℜ - 20
(Denver, Cherry creek/ Incall and Outcall)
__ 1OO spl _ ♫ ◤ FaCe oF aN ANGeL BoDy of a GoDDeSS ◤ ♥_ Real Pictures ♥ - 30
(Denver, Incalls _ I- 225 & Tamarac " DTC ")
█ $100 Special █ BUSTY M0M FuLL 0F SWEETNESS & SINS ●●● Says CoMe 🅾🇳 Over & MEET Her B0UNCY TWINS █ - 44
(Denver, ● ● ● ▬▬▬ NEAR The D T C ▬▬▬ ● ● ●)
100 * * * FULL * * * HOUR * * * 100 * * * FULL * * * HOUR * * * 100 * * * FULL * * * HOUR * * * - 19
OUTCALLReviewed💝OUTCALL🍡🍡 E X P E R I E N C E D🍒 OUTCALL BEST🍒🍒 no rush 🍦🍦P e t i t e 🍬🍬 - 22
(Columbus, Outcall COLUMBUS)
🅾✳🅾✳🅾✳🅾✳🅾✳🅾✳💦🔫38 Hands - Asian Spa, Nuru, Couples, Table Shower, B2B Massage 🅾✳🅾✳🅾✳🅾✳D - 23
(East Side, Manhattan)
Just Fun !!!!!! early morning in apt ........ also north 10 mins to downtown, private - 38
(Columbus, HILLIARD)
☆○•Italian goddes•○☆○• sweet n naughty 6149001366 ★EASTSIDE★ - 24
💋💋💋 ***** YOUR DREAM GiRL CoMe TRUE !! ***** THE PeRFeCT BLoNDe TREAT !! ***** 💋💋💋 - 22
(Medical centr, North Central, San Antonio)
Cute Young Sexy Friendly Spinner -- No limits! *Ask about Specials -TODAY ONLY!! - 21 - 21
★*Dirty BlondE*★♥☏ AmAZinG SKillS *** HiGhLY Reviewed *** ADoRaBLeY SeXy ☎♥★*$* - 26
(San Antonio, incall outcall surrounding)
❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶ NEW MANAGEMGENT! ❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶ - 23
(Midtown West, 39st, 5Ave-6Ave--24/7❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶)
☆___NEW ████ HOT ████ TEXAS *** V__I__S__ I__ T__I__N__G BLONDE PETITE ☆ SWEET & Gorgeous BABE☆ - 21
(Midtown East, Midtown East INCALL-OUTCALL)
[ 1oO%~ ReAL] ★ [ KiNk¥ ] & [ ßÂUi FUL ] ★ [ SuPr FL¡RT¥ ] - 22
(Columbus, Incall and Outcall)
Gran opening!!!🍒🍒Exotic hot Asian💋💋Korean girl💦💦 (929)341-7610 - 21
(Brooklyn, 60th Street & 8th Avenue)
(H O T )) *DeLiciOuS* ___ {BruNeTTe} ___ :B A R B i E: ___ {= ___ =AvAiLaBLe NOW - 24
(Midtown East, Midtown/Lexington)
Couple days left, catch me if u can!🎀34D & petite🎀Legit & Reviewed !🎀! INKED Exotic GIRL Next Door 🎀 - 22
(Manhattan, Midtown East, Midtown West)
--- --------- -------- ----------" BARBARA, Fun and sexy.." new pictures. - 49
(East Side, Manhattan, Upper Manhattan. East Side. Manhattan.)
baby soft and my touch is like silk I am the epitome of your Asian Ebony Fantasy. - 21
(West Side, incall 29th and 8th outcall nyc only)
☆5 ST☆R S€RViCE ★ Y♥U WiILL L♥VE MY SKiLLs ★ [×❤×] iM EXACTLY WHAT U NEED [×❤×] 100 Rose Specials ★★ - 21
(Midtown West, MIDTOWN WEST -- W 42ND AVE -- INCALL)
200 HOT MODEL VIP JULIA I am in firs time in new york - 27
(Manhattan, manhattan,Midtown East, Midtown East)
HEAD LOVERS ONLY CONTACT ME $30 (in)..Older men only CALL$$ 803-743-6819 - 26
(Columbia, Columbia sc,)
♛ U.P.S.C.A.L.E ♛ C.L.A.S.S.Y ♛ SPECIALS ! ♛ PERFECT 10!! - 21
(Rockford, Loves Park,Roscoe,Belvidere Freeport,I90)
💟⛔ THE BEST SERVICE ➡You'LL NeVeR Forget!!! ➡ MariaH 815 207 2517 - 24
(((Upcale agency looking for new girls for midtown east incall location can make from $1k/night - 24
(Midtown East)
_________ _________ _________ __________ FEMALE ESCORTS WANTED __________ _________ $1000 PER SHIFT - 21
(Manhattan, MIDTOWN)
HIGHLY REVIEWED LiL SeXy PlaymaTe Ebony doll In town !!! MONICA For You! - 21
(Columbia, columbia/INCALLS N OUTCALLS)
¥oung Asian Playmate KARA Girlfriend IN ★ N ★ OUT ▓ IN ★ N ★ OUT - 23
(San Mateo, MILLbrae/San bruno/SFO/SSF)
Sexy Blonde Blue eyed Bombshell 28 yrs old Cleveland airport area - 28
(Cleveland, Cleveland Airport area)
*** sEnSuAl *** ^^^SwEeT^^^ >>{{{ iRrEsIsTaBlE }}} [[[aMaZiNg]]] (((SiMpLy the BeSt))) - 25
(Willoughby in or out)
•°♥ !ntoXi©ad3d {B®€ak!nG} all The ®ul€s ©om€ Find ouT ¥ ♥°• - 27
(Cleveland, Cleveland ,surrounding areas (!ncalls))
▬ •✿❤▬ ▬❤✿•So cute Chinese MODELS!▬ •✿❤▬ ▬❤✿•✿★sUPER stars! Vivi & Lin Lin▬ •✿❤▬ ▬❤✿• - 22
(City of San Jose, San Jose / South Bay, San Jose/Montague Expy/880)
NeW BloNde BaRbie~ *•♛••:*¨¨*:• : WiiLL LeAVe YOU SPeeCHLeSS •:*¨¨*:•. ♥•:*¨ *•♛•* - 22
(Cleveland, ((▪♥Garfield Heights UPSCALE INCALL♥▪)))
💋Fantasy Massage* ProState MaSsage* 🍓 💋 CHOCOLATE 🍭💦 100% REAL DONT MISS - 28
(Cleveland, Beachwood)
50/80 incall $pec$. 5★ chick, A+ T®i©k$;) ;) so stop waiting & start calling 216*3o3*5984 - 23
(Cleveland, eastside incalls & outcalls w/ in reason)
💋 Thick Sexy Curvy Ebony 💋 Booty Lovers #1 Choice!💞 Lets have some fun!! - 25
(East Valley, off 32nd st & mcdowell)
★★ ★★ ❤❤ ▂▃ ▂▃ ▂▃ 🌄 VIP SERVICE ▂▃ ▃▂NEW GIRLS ARRIVED ALL Pics Real 💰🔙 ☏:312 995 0282:☏ ❤❤ ★★ ★★ - 21
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Top Notch Chick Whos Da Baddest🔯⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Five ⭐ Chick🔯⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐🔯⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐🔯⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - - 23
(Chicago, Northwest Suburbs, Surrounded areas your place or mines)